And Again

My next yoga class I decided to try a gentle yoga class again at Root Yoga located in Manalapan, NJ. I have a friend who regularly practices yoga and she talks nonstop about this type of yoga so I thought why not! When I walked in to the classroom, I really liked how the teacher had such calming music playing. I could have taken a nap right then and there! I like when the teacher has this type of music playing because it puts me in the proper head space and I believe it relaxes my body and makes me more flexible; which I desperately need. During this class we worked on poses such as downward dog, cobra and seal. I liked these poses because it pushed me just enough without going over the edge. I am still very new at this so I do not want to push myself too hard and get discouraged. One thing I really liked about this class was the breathing. To get started we did these breathing exersize that calmed me down. We started by taking big deep breathes and counting down from 10 and releasing them. I really enjoyed this type of yoga and definitely want to do it again in the future. For now I will try something different next time to get more of a range of classes, but I will be back for sure.


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