Lifestyle and Culture

If you ask me yoga is 100% a lifestyle and culture. I actually think it can be even cult like in certain types of yoga. We watched a lot of videos in class about how yoga changed from what it used to be which was a male dominated practice to how in the west it is now more female dominated with added sex appeal. Today, all yoga propaganda is, is videos of hot women wearing Lulu Lemon. That is not what yoga used to be so why did it change? I don't really know the answer to that, but I agree. In my own life I have seen how yoga can be taken as more of a "chick thing." When I talk to my guy friends about taking a class with me they tend to laugh in my face and try to touch their toes. I try to tell them how many athletes do yoga and how great it can be for them especially when it comes to stretching. I think that mor men should try to do yoga because of the many benefits it has. I was pretty against it at first to, but I may regret saying this but I think I might be turning into a yogi.


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