Meditation (again yay!)

So here we are again doing the thing I love to do, meditate! I posted a few weeks ago how this really helped me stay calm in a crazy time in my life. Meditation is definitely a huge part of my yoga practice. Once I got over my perceptions of it and realized how helpful and life saving it was, I try to practice it as much as I can. In class today we had someone come in a help us do a meditation practice. I fell asleep. BUT before that I felt so calm. I really enjoyed what he spoke about before the meditation also and use it in my everyday life. He said something along the lines of the more you avoid suffering, the more prominent it becomes and instead you need to face it head on. That really stuck with me. My life has been a crazy one and Ive been through a lot for someone my age. A few years ago I was diagnosed with skin cancer, Melanoma. My life since then has been different because I have to be so careful everyday the sun touches my body. I am covered in not the prettiest of scars and I always had a hard time with that. After listening to what he was saying I realized that I have to accept that this is the way I am now and not run from it. In the Hatah Yoga Pradipika it takes about how the main goal is to illuminate physical practice and integrate it with meditation. This was interesting to me because when I think about meditation I do not put physical practice along with it.


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