Pranayama and Practice

In my class this week we learned how to breathe and control it. The instructor went step by step and walked us through it which I liked because I had no idea what I was doing. She started out having us either sit crossed legged or lay down flat. Next, she had us put one hand on our rib cage and the other on or stomach. We then were told to focus on our breathe and really listen to it. How when we took a deep breathe in our stomach hugged our rib cage. The we brought our hand to our collar bone and felt our chest life with every breathe. We repeated this several times and with each time we tried to take less breathes and hold it in for longer. At first this was a struggle for me because I was running late and couldn't catch my breathe as is. But, after a while I saw the point in it. I felt totally in control of my body. I realized that through my yoga journey the classes where we focused on our breathing were the ones I took the most from.


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