Meditation and Healing

So this post might be a little personal, but i think that is kind of the point. Lately I have had a lot going on in my personal life. My grandmother ended up back in the hospital with another stroke, my dad is getting eye surgery, and my uncle passed away. With all of this going on it is safe to say that I was a little crazy. However, I decided to go to a meditation class today because I felt myself having a mental breakdown. I have a lot of friends who never stop talking to me about how great their meditation class is so I decided this was a better week than any to go. To my surprise it was the first time in days I felt okay. I was able to control my breathing and feel like the world wasn't going to end tomorrow. The teacher made me feel very comfortable and spoke so softly. Im not sure if this is embarrassing or not, but I may have let out a tear or two during it. After that practice you can bet on seeing me in a meditation class again. I loved the atmosphere of the room and the soft chimes that were faintly ringing. I made me feel really good and I cant wait to go back.


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