Physical Culture

As we talked a lot about in class, yoga is known to be very beneficial in terms of health and healing. In one of the movies we watched, one of the men talked about how he was so sick for months and could barely move. He said his legs were so damaged from standing up for years. Then by practicing yoga he was able to heal them completely with the help of his guru. I found this to have some truth to it. In my class my instructor talked about how she had breast cancer for about 2 years. She started practicing yoga around that time and she said she believes it helped her beat it. It put her in a more calm state of mind to where she was able to focus on healing and not what it was physically doing to her body. I think that goes along with the mid over matter mind set. Yoga also does improve your physical body as well. It helps you develop a strong core and back and of course a nice butt.


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