Ahtanga Yoga

This week in class we practiced Ashtanga Yoga and it would have to be my favorite practice so far! I really liked how the teacher showed us all of the moves before we did them. Since I am still very much a beginner I always like to visually see how the poses are supposed to look so that I can mirror it and not hurt myself. She did a really good job or not making me feel like I was such a newby because she showed the entire class how to do it. I also liked how she came around the room and lightly tapped you to help get you in the proper position. The postures were definitely a challenge for my body, but I liked it. I like that by doing these practices I am pushing myself to get a little outside of my comfort zone. I would definitely practice this type again because it was easy enough for my to do, but hard enough that it wasn't boring.


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